
Friday, September 9, 2011

Plagiarism- It's What We Bloggers Truly Hate

Plagiat. Plagiarism. Infringement. Copy paste tanpa restu/keizinan tuan asal. Copy paste resepi, gambar bulat-bulat atau buang watermark dan letak dengan watermark sendiri, kononnya dia yang buat.

Semuanya perkataan yang tidak best. Oh tidak.

When this happens to us, we will ask ourselves "Why me?"

Of course, why you?

When I did my master's degree a few years back, I know that plagiarism was very wrong. Still is and always will be, in fact. However, at that time even though I dutifully put in the original source for every citations or quotes I took from, it still didn't dawn to me the magnitude of how important that step was. Now, having a humble and meagre blog of my own, I can see why every author, every blogger, every writer, gets mad or at least mutters in frustration when they found out their work have been 'molested' by other people.

How can we stop plagiarism? We can't. Not in the near future, anyway. Not when our people are still unethical where blogging is concerned, anyhow. I think most of us tend to forget other people's rights or 'hak', as we call it. We might get obstinate when we try to say, or do something that we consider as 'ours', let's say, voice our opinion. But we forget, what we say or do may hurt others, whether or not that was our intention. They forget. Our photos and recipes are our rights. How we say it or how we write it expresses our feelings, show our emotions, tells others who we are. We are the ones who spent back-breaking hours trying to find the right angle to get a good shot of the food we cooked. We are the ones who spent countless days writing, editing, uploading our posts into our blogs. It's just not right for other people to easily claim that photo or recipe as theirs. Please, show some respect people and at least put a credit or something.

I digress.

As I said, plagiarism is not a good thing, whether it's a form of hard copy or soft copy. Whether it's in the internet or outside of it. Be it from a book, a novel, a journal, a magazine, or even from trusty ol' Mr. Google. Copying and altering a content/photo/information, with or without any intention of getting anything out of it (ie. hobby, money, acknowlegement or praises from other people), without prior consent/acknowledgement from the owners, or the least a backlink to the original source, is a violation to the law, if not 'biadap' or 'kurang ajar' as we say it in Bahasa Melayu.

One way to check whether posts from our blogs have been violated in the aspects mentioned above is by using It's not effective in preventing plagiarism, but at least you'll be aware if your posts have been duplicated/copied by unethical folks. Another thing, it's wise to equip ourselves with some understandings of the Malaysia Cyber Laws.

P/S: This post is just a reminder, especially to yours truly. May we always remind ourselves and others of the right way, lest we'll be judged for our ignorant errors di akhirat nanti.

P/S 2: Entri ini 'ter'terbit hasil daripada post kak Along Roz@ Post yang bertajuk "Kes Ciplak Yg Paling Teruk...!" and entri lama kak bertajuk "Tolong lah Hentikan".

P/S 3: To answer your question, yes, saya pun terkena gak macam ni. Tapi tak boleh nak buat apa, cuma boleh tarik nafas dalam-dalam dan buat dunno je. Huhuhu...


  1. agreed!

    Jalan-jalan cari blog! nice one.. follow u!

  2. salam zack.. entri yg padat dan bermakna..

    org tak kena tak kan tau apa yg kita yg kena ni rasa.. kecewa, marah, sakit hati, geram dn mcm2 lagi bila hasil kerja kita berjam2 dicopy paste hanya mengambil masa tak sampai 10 saat.. sedih kan...

  3. Adie Achim: thanks for agreeing :) I'll follow you too.

  4. Kak Nor: salam kak..

    betul3, mmg sedih bila terkena. baca entry Along Roz pastu teringat kes akak, kes2 blogger lain..rasa indignant. perbuatan mereka sangat unethical, they've got no respect for other people's work. cuma kita tak boleh nak buat apa sangat, just tegur jela..selebihnya just grin and bear it. huhuhu..

  5. Org jenis cam gini kan tak tahulah pe masalah nak berblog dia pun nak berblog gak..kalau pic kita tuh tak cantik...waima guna camera phone pun..tetap itu hasil titik peluh kita kan? kalau ye pun nak pinjam pic ker..minta izin lah..buat backlink..ishk tak makan saman tul lah..(geram gak nih) pada yang terkena tuh bersbar lah..nih nak pi tegur budak tak makan saman tuh plak.

  6. ninasyafinaz: in my humble opinion, org sekarang lebih ikut 'trend'. tak kira benda tu baik, buruk, betul atau salah. bloggers2 lama tulis blog berdasarkan minat dan niat utk berkongsi dgn teman2. takpn buat catitan harian seperti online diari.

    zaman fotopages dulu rasanya benda ni jarang berlaku sbb masa tu mmg org tak ramai berblogging. beza sgt banding zaman dulu dgn sekarang, walaupun it's just a space of 5 years. sekarang ni, apa yg org buat dia pn nak buat. agak menyedihkan juga, sbb bila tiada idea, hasil kerja keras org lain diambil dan dinyatakan sbg hasil dia.

    tarik nafas panjang2 masa tegur 'budak' tu nanti, bawakan bersabar (walaupun hakikatnya hati kita meluap2 juga la, haha). mudah2an tersedarlah dia dlm lamuman..

  7. Banyak udang banyak ragam, banyak orang banyaklah ragamnya.

    Zaman ini zaman klon. Kalau boleh org pun nak diklon. Apatah lagi gambar dan idea kita.

    Patutlah ada yg pakai topeng.

  8. nk buat cmne cikgu..sabo jela.. gmbr topeng tu anak sy, bukan diciplak dr org lain tau cikgu, hahaha.. nk letak gmbr sndr malas, tak hensem :p
