Lama sudah tak hapdet blog. Si Taufiq tak berapa sihat. Pula tu bila dah sihat maknya pula tak berapa sihat. Huhu.. No sense of smell @ taste = takde-mood-nak-try-resepi-baru-sebab-tak-dapat-detect-makanan-sedap-atau-tak.
Anyway, a few weeks back before my nose and ears started to malfunction, I made a banana cake using (what else?) uneaten, over-ripe bananas. Rather than throw 'em all away, I decided to try a cake recipe using those bananas. And thankfully, it turned out very nice, thank you very much (although the top part was rather uncooked, due to using an oven tangkring which doesn't have any heaters at the top). To tackle this annoying problem, I shoved it in my old doorless oven and gave it a few more sunburn under the make-believe sun and-
voila, problem solved.
Although I ain't a big fan of banana cakes, here's a thumbs up for the taste and texture (I added choc chips and choc rice 'cause I love chocs, yes-ah-dooo). Oh yeah, recipe's courtesy of The instruction's pretty simple, just put 'em in a blender and blend to your heart's content (with a little beat of beating of course). Yeeehaaaw..

Kek pisang with choc chips and choc rice
Resepi Kek Pisang ( biji pisang berangan
(I used unknown bananas but I think they're usually used for pisang goreng)1C minyak masak
(healthy version, use veg oil)2sk soda bikarbonat
5 biji telur
(I halved the recipe and used 2 Gred A eggs)
2C gula halus
1sk esen vanilla
3 cawan tepung gandum
choc chips and choc rice to your desire
(my own version)Cara-cara:- Lengserkan acuan kek dengan minyak atau butter.
- Panaskan oven, 180C.
- Blendkan pisang, minyak dan soda bikarbonat sampai lumat. Ketepikan.
- Gunakan mixer (I just use a whisk), pukul telur dan gula sampai sebati. Masukkan esen vanilla (atau boleh juga vanila diblendkan bersama bahan diblend).
- Masukkan pisang yang telah diblend ke dalam bancuhan telur dan gula.
- Akhir sekali masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit, sambil dikacau rata.
- Masukkan choc chips dan choc rice (kalau mahu) dan kacau rata.
- Tuangkan adunan ke dalam acuan dan bakar 25-30min suhu 180C.
Note: I've a confession to make. I'm hopeless at detecting and naming bananas. Huhu.. They all look alike to me. However, I've tried several unknown (to me that is) varieties of bananas in different kinds of cooking, and when using over-ripe bananas, they usually taste the same once they're cooked. Well, that's what they taste to me. And note of caution, please avoid using too much baking soda or soda bikarbonat than the recipe warrants. Your cake will leave a bitter taste in your mouth (this is what I've read and it's true. So jangan gatal-gatal, guna sukatan betul okay?)