Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Taufiq's pics

Because I have nothing better to do and the whole world's asleep, I decided to upload some images of my son for your interest. Here they are and feel free to comment ;)

Not by the hair of my chinny-chin-chin

The look of the innocent
Gelak sakan nampak? :p

Between the blurred looks

Giget jangan tak giget

The handsome guy - by Leonardo da Vinci

Wut are you looking at?!

Before - and after - the dreaded haircut

Kerasnya jari ni. Nyam nyam...
The cool guy with the drooling air liuq

A pirate with a red eye (patch)- courtesy of Bapak Sengal Inc.

Rockers terbaru in Tawau... Goreeeng...

Omigosh! I have four hands! Muahahaha...

Taufiq is nearly budak kecik dah jadi besar

Went to Giant this evening to buy some essential things for my fridge. Huhu... 'Twas packed with all kinds of folks- from lil toots to tottering ol' grandmas. Wasn't suprising considering it was gaji day today. Huhu... Wish I had a billion dollars. Wouldn't I just lurve to buy a bigger fridge.

As usual, I got to carry around Taufiq when we went shopping. Nearly had an indigestion when Taufiq nearly slid through my pelukan (he was asleep. I swear that kid did that on purpose. He's forever taking snoozes when we're out shopping). And man, if I didn't know better I'd swear he's added another 10kg. Huhu... Dahla mak bapaknya kurus kedengking :P Taip hari exercise free je.

The first thing we did when we grabbed a cart was to usha-usha the line of fridges at the entrance. We have our eye on a beaut, make LG. The price's a beaut too, about a thou ringgit or so. Then we usha-usha an oven, cost about RM250+- or so. It was big, like the size of my mak mertua's oven. After that we headed for the food section and grabbed the essentials that we needed; like potato wedges, half a kilo of chicken to make tandoori, and a pound of beef. I didn't have the mood to make complicated dishes this week so I told hubby to get easy-to-cook food instead. Haha... Pemalasnya mak........

While we were usha-ushaing some other things, my eyes accidently wandered to three pairs of kid socks hanging at a rack. The price was reasonable, about RM5+- or so. Of course, being a mother I just grabbed a pack and tossed it in the cart. Can't wait to try it on Taufiq 'cause he couldn't fit his baby socks no more (case nak jimat la ni, kid's quickly growing outa his clothes. Badan pun mengalahkan budak 1 tahun. Huhu... Sabau jela).

So tomorrow I'm going to wash his new socks and try them out to see if they fit. Kalau fit, be prepared to party because my Taufiq is nearly budak kecik dah jadi besar. Till then, adios!

About. Taufiq.

Hari ni ok la Taufiq. Pagi2 dia bangun awal giler, tengok abah dia nak siap2 g keje kot. Pas tukar pampers dia g la main2 jap dengan dia. Selalu bila petang2 main guling2 dengan dia. Suka giler dia bila guling2 dengan mak dia, lagi2 bila tiarap atas mak dia. Tapi biasa la, tiarap lama2 pn nanti meraung dia sebab dia ni tabiat tak suka tiarap lama2. Nak kata macam takut pun ada. Huhu... Apa raaa...

Budak kecik nak jadi besar yang takut tiarap lama2 :P

Biasa la, dah bangun awal sangat nanti mengantuk balik dia. Apa lagi, sambung la tido dua tiga jam. Dan mak dia apa lagi, tumpang la krooh krooh gak (gue kaki tido sebelum kawen sampai la sekarang, huhu...tapi tak tidur petang lagi dah tau).

Sekarang ni makin kuat makan Taufiq. Dan nampak gaya baju dan seluarnya semua dah fit2 ala2 model posing badan :P Kalau tak bagi makan satu kali sehari tu nanti mula la dia, menangis je kang minta nak sussuuu jek. Sekarang ntah berapa kilo ntah dia, dah sebulan lebih dah tak timbang. Khamis ni nak g klinik, suntik untuk 5 bulan.

Konon2 suap sendiri la ni

Salah satu hobi Taufiq sekarang masukkan semua benda dalam mulut. Tak kira le baju ke selimut ke pampers ke apa ke. Apa2 je yang dekat mesti nak disumbatkan dalam mulut. Yang paling meletihkan time nak pakaikan dia baju pas mandi. Time tu la kita bergusti2 dengan dia rebut2 baju la seluar la pampers la bedak la apa2 jela. Huhu...

Yang kesian sekarang dia kena ruam kat belakang badan dia. Payah giler doh nak ilangkan. Dia ni dah la kuat berpeluh. Sekarang ni pakai baju berlubang2 je (baju yang jarang, bukan koyak2 berlubang tau :P)

Alamak. Anak dah bangun la. Len kali sambung lagi. Ciao bebeh...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Aku. Sayang. Taufiq.

Malam ni Taufiq menangis je, tak nak tidur. Geram gak dibuatnya tapi cuba tahan2. Last2 bawa dia ke bilik pc sambil pasang kipas. Ingatkan dia panas sebab badan dia memang beruam2, dia ni sensitip panas dia ni. Dahla bilik depan memang hangat je. Sambil dukung2 dia, aku sambil cuba dodoi2kan dia tapi tak tidur2 gak. Huhu... Dalam geram2 pening2 ngantuk2 memikirkan camne nak tidurkan dia tiba2 teringat pesan mak mertua aku kat Langat.

"Kalo anak nangis nyanyikan dia zikir LA ILAHA ILLALLOHUL MALIKUL HAQQUL MUBIN. Budak2 suka dengar zikir tu..." mak mertuaku cakap suatu ketika dahulu masa di Langat.

Aku pun try la nyanyikan kat telinga dia, sambil usap2 belakang dia. Lama2 aku tengok mata dia makin ngantuk...makin rapat...tangan pun makin slack...... Dia dah tertidur...

Tanpa aku sedari suaraku teresak2....menjadi garau...air mataku mengalir... Tak dapat aku ungkapkan betapa sayunya hatiku mendukung anakku yang tertidur sambil mendengar zikir...mendengar suara mak dia yang tak best ni.

Dalam hati aku aku menghentam diriku. Betapa bodohnya aku ni. Hinanya aku ni. Si anak kecil yang tak berdosa ni boleh terlelap mendengar zikir. Lepas meletakkan dia aku terus online cari2 kot2 ada mp3 zikir ni sambil search2 rahsia disebalik zikir ni. Lalu aku terjumpa website ini... http://alhawa.wordpress.com/2008/01/

Tidurkan anakmu dengan zikrUllah.
Posted by alhawa under Lagu Tidurkan Anak

Inilah kempen saya di sini. Tidurkan anak-anak kita dengan ungkapan yang mulia. Ceritakan kisah-kisah tauladan dan nasihatkan dengan kata-kata yang baik (walaupun pada kita dia belum pandai bercakap dan belum cukup besar untuk berfikir.)

Apabila dia sudah mulai mengantuk, bacakan kalimah-kalimah yang baik dengan harapan akan masuk ke dalam dirinya sebagai cahaya yang dapat menerangi fikirannya, hatinya dan segala anggota tubuh badannya. Sehingga apabila dia bangun daripada tidur, dia menjadi seorang anak yang lebih baru, lebih baik daripada sebelumnya.

Inilah antara usaha kita, yang sering diabaikan oleh kita sebelum anak-anak itu tidur.
Saya hadiahkan kepada para ibu dan ayah sekalian beberapa lagi zikir dan selawat yang mungkin boleh dijadikan sebagai pilihan untuk menidurkan anak-anak kita. Saya tidak menjual hakcipta suara saya ini kepada sesiapa maka harap anda turut mengamalkannya dengan jujur dan bijaksana.

Kesian Taufiq...dah berapa hari dah dia macam meragam. Agaknya ada orang rindukan dia. Aku pun tak tahu. Mungkin gak dia rindukan seseorang.

Terima kasih Taufiq sebab menyedarkan mak. Teringat masa mak ngandungkan Taufiq, dengan perutnya yang besar, susah nak bangun, nak duduk. Dengan keadaan berjauhan dengan abah dengan keluarga mak sendiri. Dalam keadaan tu la mak belajar berdikari. Bersusah2 tanpa ada orang tersayang disisi. Tapi keluarga mertua mak nasib baik understanding walaupun banyak sangat dugaan masa tu. Mak tak dapat nak luahkan kat sini...biarlah jadi rahsia mak dengan Tuhan. Tapi mak tahu Taufiq faham...sebab Taufiq pun dalam perut mak masa tu...


Friday, November 7, 2008

Resepi Kuah Yong Taufu [or steamboat]

A couple of days ago I got extra busy and made myself a chocolate cake with chocolate + coffee icing. My, did my teeth nearly fall off with all that sinful sweetness! Hubby said it was a tad too sweet for him and it wasn't suprising, considering I secretly added a layer of chocolate ganache underneath all that icing *wink, wink*

Truth be told, it was the second time I made a butter icing. The first time was a disaster 'cause I used blended granulated sugar *har har..* You could still feel the crunch crunch when eating it :p (dahla bagi mak mertuaku rasa, huhu... Jatuh reputasi gue). So now I'm in search of a new butter icing recipe without using too much icing, huhu...

I don't know what came over my husband but I suspect he was having a case of mengidam over a good steamy plate of Yong Tau Fu (dah lama dah dia tak makan, huhu). We bought half a kilo of mixed veggie/seafood at Giant's the other day and he asked me to make a Kuah Yong Tau Fu which, frankly, I never made before. Poor me and Taufiq were sick that morning, so my husband considerately cooked a chicken leg in boiling hot water himself, for about an hour, to make the broth. Only trouble is the fat of the chicken leg didn't came oozing out like it always did. Turns out you have to use fresh chicken legs to do that, huhu... So in order to make it up I popped in a Maggi chicken stock and 2 cloves of garlic with an inch of ginger and let it boil for about another hour or so. When nearly all the liquid was disolved I added a pinch of salt. It then turned out better than the earlier version, huhu...

So the next step was to search for the Kuah Yong Tau Fu. I did find some recipes but some of the ingredients just didn't setuju with my tekak. In the end I more or less made it up myself, with a few handy hints/ideas from my hubby, hehe... The original recipe is from myresipi.com website or you could look below.

As usual, dah nak habis baru teringat nak tangkap gambar. Huhu...

The cake - by Zack Zachoes

Kuah Yong Tau Fu/Steamboat (2 person kot)

1 sb cili giling
1/2 inci gula melaka
1 1/2 sb tepung jagung + sedikit air
1 sb minyak
1 sb sos tiram
1 sb sos tomato
1 sb sos cili
secubit garam
sedikit gula
2 C air
bijan goreng

  1. Goreng gula melaka bersama minyak hingga mendidih.
  2. Masukkan cili dan biarkan mendidih sebentar. Masukkan air perlahan-lahan (ia akan melonjak2) dan biarkan mendidih sebentar.
  3. Masukkan sos tiram, sos cili dan sos tomato. Kemudian masukkan bancuhan tepung jagung bagi memekatkan kuah.
  4. Masukkan garam dan gula (jika kurang rasa).

  5. Taburkan bijan goreng ketika menghidang.

Komen: Hubby said "It's real sedaap" macam iklan mee sedap, hehe... As always, feel free to add in whatever ingredients you want. When I did this I didn't have any bijan goreng but it still tasted yummylicous ;) Both me and my husband don't eat too much spicy food, hence the small quantity of cili and no hint of belacan.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What If...

What if I were rich...
Would I be a humble and generous person?
Or be an arrogant and stingy Mrs. Scrooge?

What if I were a genius...
Would I help to save the world from all its turmoil?
Or worsen it with nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass distruction?

What if I were beautiful?
Would I be unaware of my beauty?
Or use it to my advantage?

What if I were big and strong?
Would I help the weak and sick?
Or would I turn a blind eye and a deaf ear to their helplessness?

What if I were young?
Would I always think of dying one day?
Or would I just delude myself with immortality?

What if I were happy?
Would I share my happiness with others?
Or would I ignore those who are sad and need a shoulder to cry on?

What if I were bad?
Would I think I will be good and amend myself to all my sins?
Or would I just continue living in ignorance till the end of time?

What if I didn't exist?
Would I never be a nuisance to anybody?
Or would everybody's lives go on just as before?

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

When in Doubt, Eat [banana] Cake


Don't know what to do today. La la la la laaa.

Had another attack of cake today but this time it's banana cake. Muahaha... So apa lagi. Lenyek pisang, jangan tak lenyekkk. Huhuhu... Truth is, there's a bunch of really old bananas that's quietly rotting away in my fridge (and I mean really rotting, as in turning black, I suppose?). So, instead of letting them all go to waste, I made it my duty to search the Internet for a kek pisang kukus.

"Kukus? Again?!" you say. Yup, due to the lack of an oven door, *sambil jeling-jeling oven. Bila la cik abang nak beli baru ni. Huhu..* kukus is the only way to go. So I dug around and found some two or three recipes that called for kukus-ing, and used the most economical way of sellecting the most appropriate recipe, by the use my finger and chanting eeny-meeny-miny-mo. And the winner is... Kek Pisang Kukus Sabrina from the http://resipi.net/cookbook/question.php?ID=886 website! Muahaha...

And here's the recipe in case you're thinking of kukus-ing your own banana cake.

Kek Pisang Kukus Sabrina from http://resipi.net/cookbook/question.php?ID=886

2 cawan tepung kek naik sendiri (I used tepung gandum+1 sk baking powder)
1/2 sudu teh bikarbonat soda
3/4 cawan gula
2 biji telur
1 1/2 cawan pisang emas yang dilenyek
1/2 cawan minyak
Sedikit esen pisang

  1. Pukul telur dengan gula sehingga gula hancur.
  2. Masukkan pisang + esen.
  3. Masukkan minyak.
  4. Akhir sekali masukkan tepung kek naik sendiri + soda bikarbonat (yg telah di ayak).
  5. Masukkan dalam loyang dilengser minyak dan tutup dengan foil.
  6. Kukuskan (I did an hour).

Komen: My cake shrunk! Well, yeah, ok, so I tweaked the recipe a bit, and maybe used too much banana (I blended instead of lenyek, huhu...) and, well, yeah, I might've blended all the ingredients instead of using the kaup balik method or something, but the important thing is...THERE IS NO MORE ROTTING BANANAS IN MY FRIDGE! Yippee! And if your cake looks as shrunken and as wizen as an old man's face (kidding), just camouflage it and pour a generous amount of chocolate to cover it (muahaha...)