I got this idea from watching a tv show on Food Network. They showed this bakery somewhere in the US where they stuck icicles sticks in brownies and cover 'em up with chocolate. Now, being an addictive chocoholic myself, I couldn't wait for the opportunity to try this idea. It'll be great to give as door gifts or just as an alternative eating a brownie in a funky way.
You might to try and bake these brownies not too thick as they'll be coated in chocolate and might prove rather thick to eat. I've made them not too big, about half the size of a Magnum ice-cream. I personally think brownies, nuts and a good coating of dark chocolate go well together. One thing you've got to make sure is that the brownie itself isn't too sweet or you might find out some of your teeth go missing. And don't cut them too big or too small in case you'll find the sticks hard be stuck in the brownies. Chewy brownies are allright I guess, or cakey ones. For easier handling you might want to store it in the fridge before put it on the sticks. And oh yeah, better not use a brownie that has a crumbly texture or they won't stick very well.
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Brownies on a stick |
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I gave them to my neighbours as gifts |
By: Aku.Zack Cakery
Brownie layer: Smitten Kitchen's Favourite Brownies
(8 x 8 in pan, lined with parchment paper and buttered well)
85g dark unsweetened chocolate - I used plain old dark couverture choc
115g mentega tanpa garam
150g gula kastor
2 biji telur gred A@B
1/2tsp esen vanila
secubit garam
2/3C @ 110g tepung gandum + 1/4st baking powder
Layer cheese:
125g cream cheese
20g gula kastor
1sb susu segar @ whipping cream @ fresh cream - mana-mana pun ok takde hal
esen lemon, lemon zest- optinoal
***Campur semua sampai sebati. Ketepikan.
Coklat compound (yang cepat keras) atau coklat masakan yang sedap
Kekacang (almond, pistachios etc) atau choc rice
- Sediakan loyang 8x8in, alaskan baking paper dan lengser dengan butter. Pastikan terdapat lebihan 1 1/2 inci kertas terkeluar dari loyang. Panaskan oven.
- Campurkan chocolate, gula kastor, butter dalam stainless steel bowl. Panaskan atas periuk berisi air panas, kacau hingga sebati. Tutup api dan ketepikan sebentar hingga agak suam.
- Masukkan telur sebiji demi sebiji sambil pukul sebati. Masukkan esen vanila, tepung gandum, baking powder dan garam. Garam sampai sebati. Tuang dalam loyang tadi.
- Bakar selama 20-25 minit, 170C. Tuangkan adunan layer cheese di atas brownies, teruskan membakar 15 minit atau hingga cheese masak.
- Keluarkan dalam peti sejuk, biarkan dalam loyang 10 minit. Sisipkan keliling loyang dengan pisau, dan sejukkan sepenuhnya atas redai kek.
- Potong brownies lebih kurang 1.5in x 2in (lebih kuranglah) dan cucuk dengan ice cream sticks. Buat sampai habis. Kemudian celupkan tiap satu brownies ke dalam coklat yang dicairkan. Hiaskan dengan kekacang atau ikut kreativiti.
tq kak zack..
idea baru nii...
Sama2 :D
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