Thursday, February 19, 2009

Resepi Macaroni Lasagna

Yup, I'm back. Hehe... Had another order last night from Kak Ainipuziah, my hubby's friend from work. She ordered a 1kg of choc moist cake and I managed to make it last night with absolute peace and enjoyment. Huhu.. Minggu lepas punya la bz sampai nak masak pun rasa nak tarik-tarik je rambut. But this week kinda ok la, last Monday went to the hospital and this afternoon too, to check Taufiq.

Anyway, promised to type the ingredients for the Macaroni Lasagne/Lasangna (it wasn't Mac n Cheese, by the way. Tersilap nama :p) so here it is:

Resepi Macaroni Lasagna (2 persons)
(from the Internet, forgot from where la dan diolah)

Jom, makan mac lagsana!

macaroni for 2 - cooked and drained

Tomato sauce:
3sb tomato sauce
3sb cili sauce
2sb tomato puree
1/2 biji bawang besar - chopped
2 ulas bawang putih, dicincang
1 biji buah tomato, dicincang
secubit oregano - didn't have so used chopped daun sup jer, haha
sehelai dua bayleaf - didn't have
1/4C button mushroom
1/4 peket daging cincang@1 daging burger, diracik
air secukupnya (about 2 C)

Cheese Topping:
a handful of mozarella cheese
3/4C susu segar
1/4C susu sejat
2 sb tepung gandum
2 sb butter

Cara for Tomato sauce: Tumis bawang putih, masukkan daging cincang/burger dan masak sampai garing-garing sikit. Masukkan bawang merah, goreng hingga layu.
  1. Masukkan buah tomato, tomato puree, tomato sos, dan tomato cili. Kacau rata.
  2. Masukkan air dan masak hingga didih.
  3. Masukkan makaroni dan mushroom.
  4. Masukkan garam secukup rasa, oregano dan bayleaf. Let reduce till thick and creamy. Ketepikan.

Cara for Topping:

  1. Melt butter, add in flour. Kacau sampai tak berketul.
  2. Masukkan susu segar dan susu cair hingga didih sambil dikacau-kacau.
  3. Perlahankan api, masukkan sikit cheese sampai melted and thick and creamy. Ketepikan.

Cara assembly:

  1. Masukkan makaroni yang bersalut tomato sos ke dalam loyang/baking pan yang dilengser butter.
  2. Layer dengan cheese topping. Sprinkle baki cheese on top.
  3. Bake at 180 degrees celcius, about 5-10 minutes or until topping is golden.
Note: Kalau ada rasa kurang sikit tambah2lah lagi sebab as always main rasa je tiap kali masak. Ada gak uat bentuk lagsana guna lagsana sheets tapi memandangkan takde oven yang boleh 100% diharapkan jadi terpaksa masak atas api dulo sebelum masak dalam oven. Kalo tak tak masaklah dia. Ahaks. Pastu nak kasi bubbling guna microwave sekali. Kalau nak rasa seafood tambah je udang ke kerang ke crab ke, omit daging.


Wawa said...

I think Im gonna try this for todays iftar!!

Zack said...

oooohh.. I sangat2 like this one..last year mkn smpai kitorg takleh nk tgk lg makaroni (overdose punya pasal). hehehe.. ni jenis kena scoop dr dish tau eencyweency? sbb very cheesey and agak runny. nk kurangkn sauce dia pn ok, but we like it this way ;)

Zack said...

oooohh.. I sangat2 like this one..last year mkn smpai kitorg takleh nk tgk lg makaroni (overdose punya pasal). hehehe.. ni jenis kena scoop dr dish tau eencyweency? sbb very cheesey and agak runny. nk kurangkn sauce dia pn ok, but we like it this way ;)

Wawa said...

Sorry banyak2 tuan resepi!!!Sy terbuat masin semalam n daging xde so gne dading salai yg org buat masak lemak tu..result die? T_T menyedihkan!!!tp nnt nk try betul2 ikut resipi xnak dh pndi2 substitute ape2..tq 4 sharing!!

Zack said...

hehe.. adoiya.. yoko? nk wat camne, puasa takleh nk rasa2. huhuhu.. pas puasa buat la ek. takpn akak buatkn pastu kirim ke sana ;) hehe..

p/s: garam takyah banyak, sebab tomato puree pn dh cukup masam-masin.