Thursday, February 19, 2009

Resepi Macaroni Lasagna

Yup, I'm back. Hehe... Had another order last night from Kak Ainipuziah, my hubby's friend from work. She ordered a 1kg of choc moist cake and I managed to make it last night with absolute peace and enjoyment. Huhu.. Minggu lepas punya la bz sampai nak masak pun rasa nak tarik-tarik je rambut. But this week kinda ok la, last Monday went to the hospital and this afternoon too, to check Taufiq.

Anyway, promised to type the ingredients for the Macaroni Lasagne/Lasangna (it wasn't Mac n Cheese, by the way. Tersilap nama :p) so here it is:

Resepi Macaroni Lasagna (2 persons)
(from the Internet, forgot from where la dan diolah)

Jom, makan mac lagsana!

macaroni for 2 - cooked and drained

Tomato sauce:
3sb tomato sauce
3sb cili sauce
2sb tomato puree
1/2 biji bawang besar - chopped
2 ulas bawang putih, dicincang
1 biji buah tomato, dicincang
secubit oregano - didn't have so used chopped daun sup jer, haha
sehelai dua bayleaf - didn't have
1/4C button mushroom
1/4 peket daging cincang@1 daging burger, diracik
air secukupnya (about 2 C)

Cheese Topping:
a handful of mozarella cheese
3/4C susu segar
1/4C susu sejat
2 sb tepung gandum
2 sb butter

Cara for Tomato sauce: Tumis bawang putih, masukkan daging cincang/burger dan masak sampai garing-garing sikit. Masukkan bawang merah, goreng hingga layu.
  1. Masukkan buah tomato, tomato puree, tomato sos, dan tomato cili. Kacau rata.
  2. Masukkan air dan masak hingga didih.
  3. Masukkan makaroni dan mushroom.
  4. Masukkan garam secukup rasa, oregano dan bayleaf. Let reduce till thick and creamy. Ketepikan.

Cara for Topping:

  1. Melt butter, add in flour. Kacau sampai tak berketul.
  2. Masukkan susu segar dan susu cair hingga didih sambil dikacau-kacau.
  3. Perlahankan api, masukkan sikit cheese sampai melted and thick and creamy. Ketepikan.

Cara assembly:

  1. Masukkan makaroni yang bersalut tomato sos ke dalam loyang/baking pan yang dilengser butter.
  2. Layer dengan cheese topping. Sprinkle baki cheese on top.
  3. Bake at 180 degrees celcius, about 5-10 minutes or until topping is golden.
Note: Kalau ada rasa kurang sikit tambah2lah lagi sebab as always main rasa je tiap kali masak. Ada gak uat bentuk lagsana guna lagsana sheets tapi memandangkan takde oven yang boleh 100% diharapkan jadi terpaksa masak atas api dulo sebelum masak dalam oven. Kalo tak tak masaklah dia. Ahaks. Pastu nak kasi bubbling guna microwave sekali. Kalau nak rasa seafood tambah je udang ke kerang ke crab ke, omit daging.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Harga, saiz dan bentuk kek-kek ku

Di bawah senarai kek-kek yang telah ku buat: ikut saiz loyang, berat, dan jenis-jenis hiasan. Jadi kalau nak tempah sila-sila la tengok mana berkenan sebab sebenornya den tak tau pelanggan-pelanggan nak macam mano :P

1) Jenis coklat ganache semata-mata (500g), tiada filling, 8"

2) Jenis 3-in-1 (500g), 6"

3) Jenis coklat ganache semata-mata (500g), 6"
4) Jenis whip cream, ganache or both (500g), tiada filling, teddy bear
5) Jenis 3-in-1 (500g), 6"
6) Jenis 3-in-1 (1kg), 8"
7) Jenis coklat ganache semata-mata (1kg), 8"

Note: Hiasan-hiasan lain termasuk coklat rice, silver dragees, hearts and others bergantung pada pelanggan/me and apa yang ada dalam stock cupboard ku ;p Harga kek 500g++ dalam RM15 tak kira hiasan apa, yang 1kg++ dalam RM30. Kalo ada terkureng apa-apa maap banyak-banyak, ada baby kinda hard la nak menghias kek-kek ni :P huhu. Tu belom termasuk keje rumah lagi. Ahaks. Tapi hobi punya pasal sangguup. Yoshhh! Kumpul alat-alat bakeri lain laks ;)

Monday, February 9, 2009

Ku Punya...Kek-kek

Eventhough I was worried about Taufiq, I still managed to put it out of my mind for some time to bake some cakes. Huhu... Agaknya memasak ni penenang hati kot.

Wilson, my hubby's friend, ordered a cake for chinese new year from me. Huhu... The funny thing was, my hubby SMSed me to say Wilson ordered a 1/2kg cake but being rather busy with Taufiq at that moment, I accidently read it to be 1kg, not seing the '/2'. Huhu... Kesian Wilson tak pasal-pasal beli 1kg kek.

Down below are some pictures of the cakes I managed to bake these few das. I've temporarily abandoned my pitiful attempts to master the art of making butter icings at the moment, and resulted to using plain ol' whipping cream. Mahal siot satu kotak whipping cream. Yang jenis baik RM13 ke atas. Yang tak tahan punya bawah RM10 tapi pakai pun jap jela. Takleh simpan lelama. Huhu... Susah benor asik dapat icing manis jek, last-last belajar guna whip cream je... Kena gali-gali lagi kot dapat yang kurang manis. I don't like using uncooked eggs for icings. Besides, it tastes too oily to me. Huhuhu... So don't worry kalau nampak ada icing kat kek tu. Takde icing bertelur punya. Huahahaha...

Kek Wilson order

Cake-attack minggu lepas. Jaaaap je lesap. Hehe...

Kek hari jadi Kak Ti (macam kenai je rupa) :P

Ni tengah nak kumpul duit nak beli icing tips ni. Ada la dalam RM40 untuk 32 jenis kot. Lagi murah dari beli satu-satu. Usha-usha kat kedai bakeri satu nozzle je dah RM5. Baik aku balun satu set lagi murah. Huahahaha... (gelakan evil). Kini alat-alat memasakku dah mula (tapi masih belum) lengkap. Dah ada turning cake stand (macam kat atas tu), ada stainless steel spatula, ada plastic icing nozzle, plastik cake spatula, measuring cups, penimbang, dan apa lagi aku tak ingat. Tapi yang pasti, aku adalah manusia paling gembira kiranya dapat oven baru (yang canggih). Huahahaha... Nanti kita usha-usha oven multi-purpose eh bang? Huhahaha... sengal lak malam ni.

Wokeh. Till next time. Lupa lak, ada resipi baru la, mac n cheese tapi recipe lain kali eh? Huahaha... Enjoy drooling over the pic jela :P

Because my hubby more or less licked his plate clean, I consider it a very successful experiment. Huhuhu...

Alahai Taufiq...

You might be wondering why I've been 'snoozing' all this while.

Well, truth be told I've been rather busy lately handling some 'errands'. These 'errands' have sometihing to do with my lil' tot, Taufiq. And it's going to and fro to the Hospital Besar Tawau.

I've been nearly out of my mind with worry these last two weeks. Couldn't sleep, loss of appetite, serangan penyakit M=Malas... Hai....

Last Thursday and Friday Taufiq had to go to the hospital to get ultra-scanned and x-rayed. It still makes me sad and worried to think that at such a young age my kid has to lie beneath that monstrous machine to be x-rayed. His wailings still echoes hauntingly in my sleep. Sigh.

Like I said in my earlier post, his 'glands' were swelled. Turns out he didn't just have two on his neck but eight- his armpits, hips, and behind his head. Two at each place. Everytime he's sick, especially when he has a cough, those glands or lumps swells about twice its size. Under normal circumstances they're small and hardly noticeble but when he's not feeling well they're as big as a ten-cent coin. The first time he checked at the hospital the doctor scratched her head in puzzlement. In the end Taufiq had to see the specialist. Even he scratched his head and said he never seen so much nodul glands (or such words) on a baby.

Next Thursday we'll be waiting for the result. Meanwhile, his momma's tak keruan memikirkan si anak yang benjolnya pelik-pelik belaka. Hai.......