Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Resepi 'Soft as wonder' white bread @ roti putih @ roti potong @ roti slice

Buka-buka peti ais, tengok takde roti nak makan pagi esok. Aiseh.. Terpaksa menggagahkan diri menguli roti untuk sarapan pagi esok. Huhu.. Petang tadi pun dah buat roti bun coklat (resepi sebelum ni). Takpelah, leh perhabiskan stok yis kat rumah ni, hehe.. Baker's yeast leh tahan 48jam je. Tengok lak dalam almari stok tepung roti dah habis, guna jelah tepung gandum biasa. Alhamdulillah, menjadi juga~ ;)

Ku guna resepi dari Buat separuh adunan je, nak test macam mana rasa roti ni dulu sebab guna madu ;) Esok pagi dah makan baru bagi verdict ya?

Roti putih~ku buat separuh adunan je :p

Resepi 'Soft as wonder' white bread @ roti putih @ roti potong @ roti slice
Bahan-bahan (12-14 keping)
1C air, suhu bilik
1 sk garam
3 sb margarine
1 sb madu
3C tepung serbaguna @ tepung gandum
1/4C susu tepung
2 sk gula
1 1/2 sk yis

  1. Campur semua bahan ikut urutan ke dalam breadmaker.
  2. Tekan cycle doh.
  3. Bila siap, keluarkan doh dan tumbuk-tumbuk keluarkan angin. Bentukkan bentuk roti loaf, letak dalam loaf pan.
  4. Biarkan naik 2kali ganda lebih kurang 40min.
  5. Bakar dalam oven bahagian tengah, 175C selama 25-30min.
  6. Sejukkan atas redai sebelum dipotong.

  1. Kalau ada mixer, masukkan tepung gandum, gula, yis, susu tepung, margarine, dan madu dan kacau sebati. Pastu baru masukkan garam.
  2. ON-kan mixer, perlahan-lahan tuangkan air ke dalam adunan. Pastikan guna doh hook tau bukan whisk :p
  3. Uli sampai doh tak melekat (sangat) di dinding bekas (tambah tepung kalau perlu sebab lain tepung lain kuantiti serapan air) dalam 8-10 min.
  4. Keluarkan doh dari bekas, uli sikit atas papan pencanai bersama sedikit tepung sampai doh jadi elastik (satu tip berguna: kadang-kadang doh rasa macam lekit, macam tidak masa uli tu. Bila doh dah rasa elastik dalam masa 10min+- menguli, tapi masih agak melekit, ku lengserkan tapak tangan dengan sedikit butter/margarine. Pastu teruskan uli sampai betul-betul tak lekit kat tangan/papan. Secara teori tak tahu orang lain buat macam ni ke tak, tapi dah berapa kali ku buat macam ni result baik dan tak memudaratkan malah lebih menyenangkan ku meng'handle' doh).
  5. Perapkan doh sejam hingga naik 2kali ganda.
  6. Tumbuk-tumbuk keluarkan angin, bentukan bentuk loaf dan letak dalam bekas dilengser margarine.
  7. Perap 40min sampai naik 2kali ganda.
  8. Bakar pada oven yang dipanaskan terlebih dahulu, 175C untuk 25-30min atau sampai warna atas keperangan.
  9. Sejukkan atas redai (ku sapu margarine sikit bagi kekal lembut).
  10. Note: Kalau uli tangan, cara sama diatas. Campur semua bahan dalam bekas dan uli sampai elastik dan lembut.

Tengah-tengah malam tengok gambar makanan terasa lapar la pula..

Update: Rotinya lembooot walaupun pada hari ketiga. Tekstur dalam berwarna sedikit keperangan (mungkin sebab penggunaan madu or maybe it is the salt?) dan manis-manis gitu. Kalau guna tepung roti mungkin lagi halus lagi dalamnya sebab ni guna tepung gandum jadi paham-paham jela ye ;)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Resepi Fondant Icing

Dah lama bermain fondant tapi tak sempat-sempat nak tuliskan resepinya. Huhu.. Takpelah, untuk tidak mendukacitan sesiapa, silalah lihat resepi dibawah. Kalau mahu cuba, boleh juga. Hehe..

Contoh-contoh yang ku buat

Resepi Fondant [Icing] (
Bahan-bahan (untuk hias sebiji kek)
63ml air (untuk 1/3 adunan, guna 21ml, dapat buat banyak juga hiasan ie. haiwan-haiwan dan bunga-bunga)
1sb gelatin halal (ku guna 1tsp dan guna Halagel yang diimport dari semenanjung)
125ml sirap glukos (approx. ku guna 42ml)
1 1/2sb gliserin (ku guna 1st + 1/2st)
2sb shortening (ku guna 2st)
1kg gula icing, diayak (ku guna approx. 340g+-)
pewarna (guna jel or serbuk)

  1. Tuang air dalam bekas tahan panas. Masukkan gelatin. Tunggu 5min hingga kembang.
  2. Double boil dan kacau hingga larut.
  3. Masukkan glukos, gliserin dan shortening. Kacau hingga larut.
  4. Tutup api, ketepikan hingga larutan jadi suam-suam kuku.
  5. Masukkan icing sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikacau sebati. (lebih kurang 500g gula, doh akan keras sikit. Proses menguli boleh diteruskan guna breadmaker atau uli dengan tangan).
  6. Doh yang dah siap akan berwarna putih. Ambil sedikit plastic wrap, lengserkan dengan shortening, dan balutkan doh sepenuhnya. Simpan dalam bekas kedap udara pada suhu bilik.
  7. Untuk mewarnakan doh, ambil sedikit doh dan titiskan sedikit saja pewarna (boleh gunakan toothpick).
  8. Uli @ tarik-tarik dengan jari sehingga warna menjadi sebati sepenuhnya.
  9. Bentukkan mengikut kehendak kita.
  1. Doh yang selebihnya (yang tidak dipakai) disimpan dalam plastic wrap untuk elak kering.
  2. Penyimpanan fondant dalam peti sejuk akan menyebabkan fondant menjadi lekit (kalau terpaksa simpan sebab takut kek cair tak apa, cuma ia akan 'sweat' atau berpeluh je. Nanti fondant nampak sedikit berkilat).
  3. Kalau masa uli doh rasa keras, tambahkan setitik air.
  4. Kalau terlebih lembik, tambahkan sedikit aising.
  5. Untuk meng'glu'kan fondant, gunakan food colouring @ perasa. Sebab ada alkohol, jadi mudah meruap. Kalau guna air, doh jadi lekit.
  6. Untuk elak fondant lekat ditangan masa membentuk, sapukan shortening pada telapak tangan (ku skip, guna ising je sebab shortening buat doh agak lembik, lagi-lagi kat Malaysia yang bercuaca panas dan lembap ni :p )
  7. Haiwan yang kat atas tu ku guna choc cip and chop rice untuk mulut dan hidung. Sebabnya takde pewarna hitam :p

Another Order~Mini-Animals Cake using Fondant

Last night got a call from my hubby's friend, Sabrina. She ordered a 2kg moist chocolate chiffon cake like I did a few months back. Huhu... Trouble was, when I baked the cakes and layed it on top of the other, it was to big to fit into the cake box. So I had to call and minta izin to divide it into two cakes. I made a Blackforrest Cake and the other moist chocolate chiffon with ganache and decorated it with fondant animals.

I think I'm getting the hand of shaping my mini-animals but it was a tricky job, doing it without the right tools. In the end I had to use a lidi to shape the mouths, ears, and other small parts of the body. Actually, they turned out pretty nice, although rather smudgy (fondant are rather sticky when you handle it too long in your hands).

Here's a close-up of the cakes I made:

Doggy peeping out of a gift box (see the nose? Guna choc cips je :p )
Bear-bear dibentuk guna lidi je :p Hidung pun pakai choc chip :p
1kg 8" Mini-manimals Moist Chocolate Chiffon cake with ganache (whip cream+choc bar)
1kg 8" Blackforrest cake with blueberry filling

Note: Sebenarnya Moist Chocolate Chiffon ni kena guna loyang chiffon tapi ku tiada. Jadi guna bulat biasa je. Agak sukar juga mau dikekalkan bentuknya sebab tiada 'tube' untuk mengekalkn bentuk spongey cake tu (for trapping the air bubbles). Nanti-nantilah ku tulis the theories and practicals for making chiffon cakes. Sekarang ni tengah hunting for THE ONE and only yummy sponge cake (banana, durian, orange, strawberry, pandan, and choc sponge). Tunggu ku try test lagi resepi yang setuju dengan tekak ku. Buat masa ni, moist choc chiffon ni la yang paling kena dengan tekak, cuma dia chiffon tu yang slack sikit.
Oh yeah, about the ganache, better use dark unsweetened cooking chocolate kalau guna whip cream yang manis. Nantilah, masih try mengeksperimentasi sebelum dapat di'lease'kan ke pasaran secara meluas.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Resepi Roti Sosej yang Berpintal


Another day, another roti. Another day of roti, another day of kneading.


What am I saying? (Malam-malam mula la tu nak merepek sebab mengantuk :P)

Last weekend (I think) I managed to bake some roti sosej @ sausage bread for breakfast. I thought, why not make it around midnight when lil' Taufiq's asleep? So I hitched up my sleeves and got rolling. I started about 10.30-ish pm that night, thinking 'Sempat ni, perap 1 jam mesti dah tidur dah Taufiq' and cluelessly continued my expedition with the hopes that everything will go according to plan.

Turns out my poor babe started crying his eyes out around 11.30pm, waiting for mommy to put him to bed. Huhu.. Abahnya dukung pun tetap dia menatap matanya yang sayu pada si ibu, mengharapkan belas kasihan (dan susu sekali) dari ibunya. Huhu...

So I abandoned my mission by putting a cloth over the dough, left it in the warm oven, and hoped for the best, with the wishful thinking that Taufiq will be fast asleep in less than an hour. As it was, a wishful thinking on my part. The dough rose beautifully but dangerously close of collasping back into itself after being left for an hour and a half. I managed to save what was left of the yeast and made it into several round balls, then let if proof for the second time. Right on cue Taufiq started merengek and called for me, and resolutely, I left the dough for another hour. Huhu.. After putting him back to sleep, I made some bread rolls and left them to proof for the third time, for 30minits. They didn't quite proof like the other breads I made.

N/B: Memang sah takleh tinggalkan doh lama-lama, lagi yang kuantiti sikit. Tapi nasib baik tekstur masih lembut cuma kurang menarik. Roti masih sedap cuma bentuk dia agak kempis selepas sejuk. Bukan salah resepi tapi silap keadaan. Andai kata kita dah pintal, lepas tu uli balik dan pintal balik, pun tak cantik sangat bentuknya. Mungkin nak kena uli biar betul-betul sebati balik sebab nanti bila masak rotinya terburai.

Leh picitkan cream dalam ni. Ku letak filling sardine je pagi tu :p

Roti sosej berpintal~

Resepi Roti Sosej (

Bahan (6 biji)
175g tepung roti
25g whole wheat flour (brown colour) -ku guna je tepung roti
10g gula halus
3g @ 1sk dry yeast
12g butter
130ml air/fresh milk
6 batang sosej
telur untuk sapu
3g garam (just a pinch)

  1. Masukkan semua bahan dalam breadmaker. Setkan untuk buat doh. ON. (ku guna mixer je, malas nak uli. Dry ingredients dulu, mix thoroughly, gradually pour in liquid sampai doh lekat kat hook dan jadi licin)
  2. Keluarkan angin dan bahagikan kepada 6 bahagian. Buatkan bentuk bulat. Rehatkan 10-15min.
  3. Sementara tu, rebus sosej dan sejatkan. Atau juga boleh dibakar sekejap dengan toaster.
  4. Ambil satu doh, buat bentuk panjang 20-30cm, lilitkan pada sosej. Buat sampai habis.
  5. Penaikkan doh 2 kali ganda sebelum dibakar.
  6. Sapukan doh dengan telur, bakar dalam preheated oven 180C 12-13 min.
  7. Sejukkan roti atas redai.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Resepi Buttercream [using egg whites]

The ol' non-working momma's been having fun in the kitchen for a few days now. Muahaha...

Baked a Moist Chocolate Chiffon cake yesterday but didn't have time to get it decorated. Huhu... Only today I had the 'free' time to go sit and play around with my buttercream. And it's not always I get to handle buttercream. For one thing it's a messy job washing the utensils after making it. And for another, I haven't found THE ONE buttercream that suits my liking. That's one of the reasons why I haven't done any 'promosi' for cakes that uses buttercream. Huhuhu... (Tak suka buttercream yang terlampau manis).

Oh yeah, pity I forgot to take a picture of the Japanese Souffle Cheesecake I baked last Monday. What to do, sekali hadap je dah habis. Huhu.. Rumah ni gila cheese, termasuk anakku Taufiq. Hehe.. Last night went to bakery supply shop, konon mau beli cream cheese. But they ran out of stock, so I drove to Giant, thinking I could buy a block or two there. Turns out Giant didn't sell any cream cheese that day. Sob sob.. Karsian... Anyway, the Souffle Cheesecake I baked was really delicious, a lot like Cotton Soft Japanese Cheesecake, but a bit more tastier and padat then Cotton Soft . Souffle Cheesecake uses about 200g cream cheese for 3 eggs, compared to the Cotton Soft which uses 250g cream cheese for 6 eggs, so you can taste more cheese in the Souffle Cheesecake.

As it didn't have too many eggs in it, I didn't have much problem in beating the egg whites into fluffy clouds (my stand mixer's too small, that's why I avoid making cakes that uses 6 egg whites, unless I halved the recipe.) Taste-wise, I'll stick to the this Japanese Souffle Cheesecake next time.

Moist Chocolate Chiffon decorated using buttercream

In case you're wondering, here's the recipe for the buttercream I used. It uses egg whites, so for those who are health-concious people, better use meringue powder or Omega-3 eggs. The bacteria gets killed when we pour in the hot syrup while whisking the eggs whites, so I don't think there's any problem there. It keeps up to two weeks in the fridge, months in the freezer, when stored in an-air tight container. Though I doubt the cake will last that long if a lot of people are eating it :p

Resepi Buttercream [using egg whites] (By Aunty
200g sugar
60ml air

140g putih telur (1 telur approx. 35g egg white)

300g cold butter (dari peti ais)
300g majerin

  1. Didihkan gula dan air hingga pekat tapi masih dapat dituang. Jangan terlebih didih nanti sirap gula jadi keras dan tak boleh dituang (kalau kena, tambah air sikit dan didih kembali).
  2. Pukul putih telur hingga kental/medium peak, tuangkan sirap gula.
  3. Pukul hingga putih telur menjadi sejuk/cool.
  4. Masukkan butter (yang seeloknya dipotong kiub) satu persatu, diikuti majerin, dan pukul hingga pekat dan gebu.

Note: Ku guna 1/3 bahagian butter, 1/3 bahagian shortening, 1/3 bahagian krimwell@cremello. And I added more powdered sugar and 1tsp vanilla essence at the end to sweeten it more. Rasa seakan buttercream kat kedai kek, but then, I never really like buttercream even from the shops! :p You can use this as a frosting, icing cakes, swiss rolls, the likes. I added a bit of chocolate emulco to make the frosting in the middle of the cake.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Resepi Soft Butter Buns & a Happy B'Day


Last few days I've been baking like mad making bread and buns for the family. (Jelik suda asik kuar duit beli roti dari van yang lalu depan rumah :P)

This time I tried a recipe from Mamafami's Fotopages called Soft Butter Buns. My comment? Very soft, gebus and goes well for making sweet buns, mini pizzas, mini cheese bread and the likes. The only thing was the dough is kinda soft to handle by hand so you might want to use a stand mixer for this. The first time I did this (it was a while ago) I did it by hand, and my, was it sticky :P The second time (last night) I tried using my mixer and it turned out very stretchy (kinda like a webbyskin- dough when stretched by hand) and just right for getting a good soft bread/bun.

So, here's the recipe for making soft butter buns/mini pizzas/mini cheese bun/hotdog bread/roti sosej:

Cheese bun (ter-over brown sebab syok sangat makan sampai lupa nak keluarkan yang dalam oven :p)

Mini pizza @ bun (I likee cheezeee)
Cheese rolls (and one sausage roll sebab nak habiskan sosej :p) See the brown bits? That's the parmesan. Buat spoil make-up roti daku jek :p

Resepi Soft Butter Buns (
250g tepung roti
50g tepung superfine (ku takde, guna je tepung roti)
50g gula kastor
1 sk garam
2 1/2 sb susu tepung
1 1/2 sb yis segera (ku guna baker's yeast)
1 telur kecil
30g butter-suhu bilik (ku takde jd guna majerin je :p)
140ml air suam

1 telur, dipukul sedikit
butter cair, untuk glis

  1. Campur sume bahan kecuali butter dan uli hingga doh lembut terbentuk.
  2. Tambahkan butter dan teruskan uli hingga doh menjadi elastik, lembut dan licin.
  3. Perapkan doh selama 2 jam (ku wat 1 1/2jam je).
  4. Tumbuk doh untuk keluarkan angin, uli secara lembut dan bahagikan doh kepada saiz-saiz kecil yang sama. Boleh dimasukkan inti pada ketika ini.
  5. Letak ban dalam loyang yang dilengser dengan butter dan ditabur tepung, rehatkan hingga naik 2 kali ganda.
  6. Panaskan oven 200C.
  7. Beruskan ban dengan telur dan bakar 15min atau keperangan.
  8. Keluarkan dari oven dan beruskan dengan butter cair.
  9. Sejukkan ban di dalam tin sebelum di letakkan atas redai.

Note: I made mini pizzas, mini cheese buns dan cheese rolls. The cheese buns I used mozzarella cheese and serbuk parmesan. Seems like the serbuk parmesan doesn't stand too well in a hot oven and got pretty brown before the bread. So I guess next time I'll hold the parmesan cheese. And p'bably I'll use custard and pipe it on the cheese buns so that'll stay moist and soft, with a squirt of mayonnaise and mozzarella cheese on top. I don't quite get the hang of it making the cheese bun moist like the sell in the bakery shop. I wonder how they do it? I brushed using water before baking but that didn't seem to do the job. Hmmmm... More research I guess.

Cutout alphabets fondant. Huhu... Do I have to buy fondant tools now? (Tak habis-habis experiment :p )

A Happy Birthday to Firdaus, Kak Ti's son who's now 4 years old. Waaah... Cepatnya dah besar ek? Huhu... Thank you for the order Kak Ti. Lain kali order lagi k? ;)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Birthday & Thank You For Your Orders

I just want to say a (late) Happy Birthday and Thank You to both my hubby's friends, Wilson and Dympna, for ordering a kilo Choc Moist Cake each. Huhu.. Sorry, been a bit behind in my blog-updating these days.

Anyway, here's a sneak peek of the cakes I made. I've been trying to make decos using fondant (homemade, if I may say so myself) and find it to be challenging, if not, rather fun. OK, so my lamb turned into a puppy and my rabbit turned into a (bear?) but then it's my first time alright? :P

Fondant mini-animals - which one's the lamb, which one's the rabbit?

Wilson's cake with a bit of almond nibs around the cake

Dympna's cake - a bit of fondant goes a loooong way...

Fondant tak berapa tahan panas jadi tak letak kat kek Wilson, takut cair sampai ke kampung :P For the recipe, maybe later 'cuz ah-juz-dun-feel-like-typing-long-sentences-right-now :P

Monday, November 2, 2009

Pic Only OK Guys? Ngantuk Dah Ni..Roti Nasi, Nasi Goreng Seafood & Bun Coklat


I've been meaning to try this recipe using nasi or rice for making bread. Mmm.. Tasted very unique (lemak dan terasa nasinya :p ) but on the whole, it was very unique and a great way to use leftover rice :P

The texture after baking was soft but as it cooled down a little, it went a little hard-ish with tiny lumps of unblended rice in it. Hmmm.. Must be because I used cold rice from the fridge (couldn't wait for it to thaw) but I'll definitely will try this again, using warm rice. And absent-mindedly, I forgot to put in the salt which explained why it tasted a LOT like plain ol' nasi. Huhuhu... Padan muka gue :P Cuai sangat. Huahaha..

The Rising of The Dough

Out of the oven [tangkring]

Soft on the inside [can you see the tiny rice? Harhar..]

One thing I need to remember - get myself a serated knife. It just won't do cutting slices of bread using a regular knife. You'll just find yourself with a small mountain of breadcrumbs. Also, please wait for it to cool down a bit before slicing it (unlike yours trully :p )

N/B: Darn, I really got to get a taller loaf tin. The current one's just too short to make a decent-size sandwich bread. For 200g-250g of flour used, the current one's ok (it doesn't overflow) but for 500g of flour used, a taller loaf tin is needed. Better still, the one with a lid will give a block-shaped bread like in the supermarkets. Hmmm... Gotta go survey that bakery shop next time. Huahaha... Musti mahal ek?

Lebihan nasi menjadi nasi goreng seafood

A bit blurred, you say? Heck, I'm a housewife, not a photographer :P

Choc bun- excellently soft and chewy, just like from a bakeryshop :p

A picture paints a thousand words. Need I say more?

One thing that makes me smile from ear to ear. This is one time I'm trully satisfied with the outcome of my breads@buns. Even hubby couldn't believe his eyes/mouth/fingers when he saw/tasted/touched the buns. 'Macam beli kat kedai', he said.

Kembang hidung semangkuk. Huahahaha...