N/B: Abang ni macam tetau je Nur nak posting ni. Tapi tergendala sebab line punya la slooooow. Potong line :P wekk...
N/B: Abang ni macam tetau je Nur nak posting ni. Tapi tergendala sebab line punya la slooooow. Potong line :P wekk...
The top wasn't too smooth as I didn't smooth it out before baking (duuuuuh) but the important thing was Hubby gave it a Thumb's Up (which is a VERY Sacred Sign that I got his approval). I'm definitely be making this again.
I dunno what's up with me but it's been a couple of weeks I've been crazy over cheese, cheese, and yet more CHEESE. Must be mad. Or worse (or better, depends on how you look at it) ngidam. Hahaha...
Here's the recipe. But be warned that mine came out a bit dense because I used my rice cooker. If you're using an oven and a chiffon pan, it'll (hopefully) turn out ok. Hehe...
Kek Chiffon Keju (matgebu@tiffinbiru.blogspot)
60ml susu cair
40g cream cheese (I used 50g)
25g mentega
1/2 st esen vanila
65g tepung gandum (I used 1/2C tepung kek)
4 kuning telur
4 putih telur
100g gula halus
secubit garam halus (I eliminated)
1/4st cream of tartar
N/B: Kek akan mengecut sikit bila sejuk. Sebabnya? Ia jenis chiffon dan sebaiknya guna loyang chiffon.
UPDATE 7/4/2011: I really must try this again and bake it in the oven :P
Kek 'dummy' dah jadi Kek Keluarga :P
Kek spesel dari Kak Su kepada Hubby terchenta
Ada nama Taufiq kat keliling Kek Keluarga (sebab tak muat tulis kat atas) :P
Pizza tu uat sedang-sedang, dapat banyak dalam 4, 5 keping. (Sila abaikan kekurangan-kegebuan-kekeringan-sedikit pizza zaman ini sebab masak guna oven tak berpintu :P)