Thursday, August 27, 2009

Resepi Biskut Raya Mama Carries


I've tried making cakes, cupcakes, and bread. But never biscuits. Well, very rarely and they didn't turn out as I expected (they went on strike and either got flat when baked or blown up like baloons, huhu). Did try making biscuits a loooong time before I was married to my dear hubby. And each time they turn out different, eventhough they were from the same recipe! :P

But now alhamdulillah, I managed to bake a batch of Mama Carries last night and they turned out quite satisfactory. The icing puffed up nicely and didn't dribble down the sides (like I made last year). It turned out you got to make them as delicately as making meringues- whip 'em up nice and fluffy and get no oils in them. And it's easier using the back of a spoon to deco them (some might find using a finger is much easier).

After three bakes into the oven (I got three trays full), I managed to get about 100 pieces all together. And even that I halved the recipe!

Hey, I ain't no Picasso but I can make a squiggle :p

I'll be making these again, insyaAllah, should anyone wants to make an order. A big balang-full about 100 pieces for RM18. Cewaah. Macam la ada nak beli ek :P

In case you want to try it yourself, below is the recipe from Thanks Lily!

Biskut Mama Carries

Bahan-bahan ( 60-75 biji )

300gm mentega/marjerin
375gm tepung gandum
130gm tepung jagung
100gm gula icing
1/2 sudu teh esen vanila

Utk hiasan
-1 biji putih telur
-100gm gula icing
-1 sudu besar tepung jagung


  1. Ayak tepung gandum & tepung jagung-ketepikan.
  2. Pukul mentega/marjerin dan gula icing hingga kembang.
  3. Masukkan esen vanila.
  4. Masukkan tepung sedikit demi sedikit dan uli hingga menjadi doh lembut.
  5. Canai doh dan terap dengan acuan berbentuk "heart".
  6. Sapukan hiasan keatas biskut yg telah diterap. Utk melorek, gunakan penyunkil gigi.
  7. Bakar pada suhu 150C selama 20-30 min, atau sehingga masak. Gunakan api bawah supaya hiasan tidak berwarna perang.


  1. Pukul putih telut hingga gebu. Masukkan gula & tepung, kacau sebati.
  2. Ambil 1 sudu besar adunan dan titikkan dgn pewarna atau emulco kegemaran anda.
  3. Sapukan putih telur keatas biskut
  4. Lorek kan dgn adunan yg telah dicampur dgn pewarna/emulco.

UPDATE 7/4/2011: Maybe one day I'll make this again and post another recent picture. The icing on this one seems rather dry, haha..

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