Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Resepi Choux Pastry for Cream Puffs/Eclairs/Churros

Cream puffs do not abide [however slightly] warm fillings.

I made mine using a custard filling, and because I was in a hurry, I didn't like mine go cold before I piped them in the cream puffs. Which turns out a BIG mistake.

I already knew before this was a no-no for cream puffs as the residual heat of the fillings will make the puffs turn soggy. Before I knew it, instead of having a delicate crunch-smooth texture, I was swallowing down something that tasted extremely like a kaya ball. So next time if I want to make some kaya balls, I know where to go wrong *sigh*.

So what's a choux pastry? BTW, it's pronounced as 'shoo' or 'shoe'. According to the trusty ol' Mr. Google, a choux pastry " a light pastry dough used to make profiteroles, croquembouches, eclairs, French crullers, beignets, St. Honoré cake, Indonesian kue sus, and gougères. It contains only butter, water, flour, and eggs. In lieu [or in stead] of a raising agent it employs high moisture content to create steam during cooking to puff the pastry. Choux pastry is usually baked but for beignets it is fried."

This is the second time a made a choux pastry. First time I used kak Yani's ( recipe a year back, this time I used another recipe, about the same but with less amount of eggs. I had some trouble piping with the recipe having more eggs (the pastry didn't hold its shape well), then the pastry using less eggs. However, it's up to you which recipe to use. Both tastes the same. Maybe yours will turn out better then mine in terms of appearance (haha). Ciao!

Almost the same as kak Yani's (

Unfilled cream puffs


100g air

40g butter ( I used salted+unsalted butter, and added a pinch of salt for good measure)

2st gula kasar (this I added myself)

60g tepung gandum

1 biji telur (approx. 50g) - pukul telur dengan garfu hingga kuning dan putih bercampur sebati


1. Didihkan air dan butter dalam periuk kecil (sampai keluar buih-buih).

2. Ketepikan dari api.

3. Tuangkan tepung dan kembalikan atas api kecil, sambil kacau cepat-cepat guna sudip kayu hingga dapat satu doh yang lembut (hingga dohnya tak melekat pada keliling periuk).

4. Tutup api dan biarkan sejuk sebentar lebih kurang 3-4 min (kalau tak sejuk tapi terus dimasukkan telur, takut nanti jadi telur dadar, haha).

5. Masukkan telur yang telah dipukul sedikit dan kacau hingga dapat consistency yang diingini (tak terlalu pekat dan tak terlalu lembik). Dalam kes ni, ku pukul guna mixer je.

6. Masukkan ke dalam piping beg dengan nozzle star/bulat 1cm dan pipekan ke atas baking paper (pastikan ada jarak antara pastry sebab dia mengembang dua kali ganda bila masak).

7. Spraykan atas permukaan pastry dengan air (ku guna jari yang dicelup dalam air. Mana-mana peak/bukit atas pastry ku tekan sikit supaya tak terhangus masa dibakar dan nampak lebih cumil).

8. Bakar dalam oven yang telah dipanaskan terlebih dahulu, 200C untuk 20-30 min (ku pipe a bit bigger than a 20sen, 20 min. Next time will use a bigger nozzle and bake it longer till golden brown on top).

9. Bakar hingga keperangan. Keluarkan dari oven dan buatkan lubang kecil di tepi (ku buat bawah) pastry untuk keluarkan moisture berlebihan. Kalau dalam pastry masih basah, bakar lagi pada suhu rendah hingga pastry lebih kering (NB: Kalau tak buat lubang, steam yang terbentuk dalam pastry tu akan buat dia jadi basah dan rata. Trust me. First time I skipped this, the glorious mountain I achieved after baking turned into flattened ant hill upon cooling. And, well, maybe also a bit undercooked. Haha).

10. Biarkan sejuk sebelum dipipekan inti cream custard (ku pipekan dari lubang yang dibuat masa proses penyejukan tadi).

Dari choux pastry ni boleh buat eclairs (bentuk memanjang) atau churros (digoreng dalam minyak).

Cream custard (

1sb tepung gandum
1sb tepung kastad (atau tepung jagung)
4sb gula kastor
1C @ 250ml susu segar (ku guna 200 ml)
1 biji telur
1sb @ 15g mentega

  1. Campurkan tepung gandum, kastad dan gula dalam periuk kecil.
  2. Campurkan hanya 2sb susu daripada 1C susu tadi dan kacau rata.
  3. Masukkan telur dan aduk rata lagi.
  4. Masukkan lebihan susu segar dan kacau hingga larut.
  5. Kacau atas api kecil hingga agak kental (pastikan adunan sentiasa dikacau supaya tidak berbentil-bintil).
  6. Sesudah kental, alihkan dari api lalu masukkan mentega dan aduk sebati.
  7. Masukkan ke dalam piping bag untuk dipipekan dalam cream puff.

Video youtube untuk buat choux pastry:

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